Access Keys:

St Paul's Primary School, Ahoghill, Ballymena


February 2022 April 2022
Wednesday, 16th March 2022
Wear green day (for St Patrick's)
Swimming P45 P7
Thursday, 17th March 2022
School closed - St Patrick's day
Friday, 18th March 2022
School closed - St Patrick's day
Tuesday, 22nd March 2022
P67 W5 computer workshop in school
Wednesday, 23rd March 2022
Library van at school
Thursday, 24th March 2022
Shared education. P67 out of school. P1-5 in school
Friday, 25th March 2022
P67 STEM computer workshop in school (Sentinus)
Tuesday, 29th March 2022
P45 and P67 PE workshop in school (led by St Louis Ballymena)
Wednesday, 30th March 2022
Swimming P45 P7
P34 GAA day out of school
Thursday, 31st March 2022
Shared education P67 in school and P123 P45 out of school