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St Paul's Primary School, Ahoghill, Ballymena

School Aims/Visions

St Paul’s Primary School Mission Statement

St Paul’s is an inclusive catholic school, embodying family, culture, community and parish, in a caring, happy and supportive environment.

We strive to motivate each child to achieve their unique potential through nurturing a love of learning.


Aims of Saint Paul’s Primary School

Saint Paul’s Primary School believes that all children are unique with individual talents and needs.

At Saint Paul’s we strive to ensure that each child develops to the very best of their ability in a caring Catholic environment, producing responsible young people prepared for life in society.

In all aspects of their life the children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. They set themselves realistic but challenging goals.

Nurturing of self-confident, tolerant, independent individuals capable of self-discipline is at the heart of our aims.

Together we work with the home, the church and the local and wider community to ensure that the child feels a sense of self-worth and is encouraged to develop self-confidence and self-esteem.

Practical and relevant opportunities are provided for the pupils to learn to respect themselves, others, their own property and the property of others and to appreciate and care for the local environment and wider community.

All teaching in Saint Paul’s provides the children with a broad and balanced curriculum in line with the Northern Ireland Curriculum and promotes the spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional, physical, cultural and aesthetic development of the individual child.

Use of ICT is encouraged throughout the school and the children are equipped with the skills and knowledge to use it.

Learning is valued and achievement celebrated in Saint Paul’s Primary School. Skills of managing information, working with others, being creative, thinking, problem solving, decision making and self-management are interweaved in the curriculum.

Saint Paul’s Primary School aims to provide a happy, stimulating and secure environment for each child in our care and prides itself on the positive nature of relationships within classrooms, and within and between groups which compose the school community.