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St Paul's Primary School, Ahoghill, Ballymena

The 5 E's of ICT - How ICT lessons are taught in St Paul's

The 5 E’s of ICT

St Paul’s ICT curriculum primarily follows the 5 E’s of using computers:

Explore, Express, Exchange, Evaluate and Exhibit.

These apply to all pupils in primary school, from Year 1 to Year 7.

  • Explore
  • Express
  • Exchange
  • Evaluate
  • Exhibit
  • (Exchange, where possible)



ICT monthly tasks

There are a range of monthly ICT tasks that students engage with at St Paul’s.

These monthly ICT tasks include: powerpoints, publisher, movie animation, and green screen photography/movies etc.

Students use various software and apps on PC computers, laptops and ipads to complete these tasks. 


If you would like to read more about how ICT is taught in schools, please see the link below.