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St Paul's Primary School, Ahoghill, Ballymena

News - Homepage

2022/2023 School Year

5th Apr 2023
Well done to all students who completed their final swimming lesson and swim test...
5th Apr 2023
Lifeboats educational talk Children received a visit from the RNLI lifeboats...
22nd Mar 2023
Celebrating diversity. 
16th Mar 2023
Ceol, damhsa agus craic.  Students got together and performed a ceili to celebrate...
16th Mar 2023
St Paul's PS choir won 1st place at Ballymena festival.  A remarkable achievement...
9th Feb 2023
P6 and P7 students visited St Louis Grammar School Ballymena and partipated in a...
1st Feb 2023
Happy St Brigid's Day!  Students enjoyed learning about Brigid and followed...
27th Jan 2023
St Paul's PS winners of the credit union quiz 2023.  A highly respected competition...